Comparison of indicators

Explore our most important key financial indicators in a year-on-year comparison, using interactive charts.

Operating Profit
Consolidated net income
Property finance
Total assets
RoE before Taxes
Cost-Income-Ratio (Segment SPF only)
Dividend per share
Earnings per ordinary share
Common Equity Tier 1 ratio (CET1 ratio)
Common Equity Tier 1 ratio (CET1 ratio) (%) - Basel IV (phased-in)
in € million

1) Excluding private client business and former WestImmo’s local authority lending business.

1) Proposal to be submitted to the Annual General Meeting

2) Based on the assumption that net interest payable on the AT1 bond is recognised on an accrual basis

1) Basel III fully loaded

2) When calculating own funds, annual profits were taken into account, based on the Management Board‘s proposal for appropriation of profits for the 2019 financial year, and incorporating the pro-rata accrual of net interest payable on the AT1 bond. The appropriation of profits is subject to approval by the Annual General Meeting. The expected relevant impact of the TRIM exercise on commercial property financings, and of the SREP recommendations concerning the NPL inventory as well as the ECB's NPL guidelines for exposures newly classified as NPLs, were taken into account for determining regulatory indicators.

3) Underlying estimate, given a 72.5 % output floor based on the final Basel Committee framework dated 7 December 2017. The calculation of the material impact upon Aareal Bank is subject to the outstanding EU implementation as well as the implementation of additional regulatory requirements (CRR II, EBA requirements etc.). For further details, please refer to the respective financial statements.

1) The allocation of earnings is based on the assumption that net interest payable on the AT1 bond is recognised on an accrual basis.

2) ”Other reserves” were included in equity, in line with the further development of segment reporting; the previous year's figure (2019) was adjusted accordingly.

3) In line with common practice in the banking sector, bank levy and contributions to the deposit guarantee scheme are not included; otherwise, the cost/income ratio would have amounted to 48.1 % (2020). The previous year’s figure (2019) was adjusted accordingly.

1) 2020: Dividend payments of € 1.50 for 2020 (to be effected in 2021) would need to be made in two steps. In compliance with the requirements published by the European Central Bank (ECB) on 15 December 2020, the distributable amount is calculated at € 0.40 per share. The Management Board plans to submit a corresponding proposal for the appropriation of profits to the ordinary Annual General Meeting in May 2021. Depending on further economic developments, regulatory requirements, the Bank’s capital position and its risk situation, an extraordinary Annual General Meeting, which could possibly take place during the fourth quarter of 2021, could then decide on the intended remaining payout of € 1.10 per share. 2019: Following a request of the ECB to refrain from distributing dividends, the AGM decided that net retained profit for 2019 be transferred to retained earnings.

2) The allocation of earnings is based on the assumption that net interest payable on the AT1 bond is recognised on an accrual basis.

1) 31 December 2019: excluding dividend for 2019 from initial proposal on the appropriation of net retained profit and including a pro-rata temporis deferral of net interest on the AT1 bond 31 December 2020: including dividend for 2019 from initial proposal on the appropriation of net retained profit and less a proposed dividend of € 1.50 per share in 2021 and pro-rata temporis deferral of net interest on the AT1 bond. Dividend payments of € 1.50 for 2020 (to be effected in 2021) would need to be made in two steps. In compliance with the requirements published by the European Central Bank (ECB) on 15 December 2020, the distributable amount is calculated at € 0.40 per share.The Management Board plans to submit a corresponding proposal for the appropriation of profits to the ordinary Annual General Meeting in May 2021. Depending on further economic developments, regulatory requirements, the Bank’s capital position and its risk situation, an extraordinary Annual General Meeting, which could possibly take place during the fourth quarter of 2021, could then decide on the intended remaining payout of € 1.10 per share.

2) Underlying RWA estimate, incorporating the higher figure determined using the revised AIRBA or the revised CRSA (phased-in), based on the final Basel Committee framework dated 7 December 2017; the calculation of the material impact upon Aareal Bank is subject to the outstanding EU implementation as well as the implementation of additional regulatory requirements (CRR II, EBA requirements etc.). The Bank’s Basel IV (fully phased-in) CET1 ratio stood at 13.2 % at the year-end (2019: 13.5 %).


Annual Report 2020 of Aareal Bank Group

All facts and figures on the 2020 financial year, in a navigable file.